Why I think there’s new Judah & the Lion music on the way

Not sure exactly when this happened, but I know for a fact that in August their profile picture was the three of them. Apart from today, the last time they tweeted was in October and then August so it’s safe to say this profile picture is brand new.

Judah & the Lion’s Twitter profile picture from August
Judah & the Lion’s new Twitter
profile picture taken from their
new image on their site.

They have new music on the way. Has the manager, their label or anyone involved in making the album reached out to me? That’d be really cool and I’d love to talk with and hear what they’ve been up to but nope. This is mostly a hunch but let me tell ya it’s a pretty darn good hunch.

Note that the new profile picture has a certain artistic style to it. Now, looking at Judah & the Lion’s website they have a new design style too taking a step away from both Pep Talks and what they’ve released since which has typically been a flat 2D image with a white border and simple graphics.

Also, the most important thing that makes me think new music is on the way. The brand new header/cover image for their website.

Now, there isn’t too much information in the photo. It’s abstract, it’s interesting to look at with the racing flag in the background. The most information we get isn’t from the photo but from what the photo is called. Also, we get that the bottom left corner is their new profile picture.

So that’s why I think there’s a new music on the way. JTL_FARW_ART. JTL obviously stands for Judah [and] the Lion, but what does FARW stand for? Fantastical Ambiguous Race West? Is it a musical journey about Fresno Accountants Reviving Wolves? Why are their reviving wolves? What is the purpose? They’ll get to keep their secrets for now. Because I’m pretty sure it’s not about racing west, or accountants in Fresno or Frisco Area Republican Women.

That being said, I’m a firm believer that they not only have new music on the way but that this is the beginning of a lead up to a new album. At the very least this is new music soon and I am excited.